
Chouchou Florian, Augustini Muriel, Caderby Teddy, Nathan Caron, Turpin Nicolas A., Dalleau Georges. (2020). The importance of sleep and physical activity on well-being during COVID-19 lockdown: Reunion island as a case study. Sleep Medicine. (IF: 3,787) (accepted)

Turpin NA, R. Martinez, M. Begon. (2020). Shoulder muscle activation strategies differ when lifting or lowering a load. European Journal of Applied Physiology (in press). doi: 10.1007/s00421-020-04464-9 (IF: 2,917)

Turpin NA, Watier, B. Cycling Biomechanics and Its Relationship to Performance. (2020) Appl. Sci. 2020, 10(12), 4112; (IF : 2,474)

Piscitelli,D, Turpin NA, Subramanian S., Feldman, A. G., & Levin, M. F (2020). Deficits in corticospinal control of stretch reflex thresholds in stroke: implications for motor impairment. Clinical Neurophysiology 131 (2020) 2067–2078 (IF : 3,675)

Yosuke Tomita, Nicolas A. Turpin, Daniele Piscitelli, Anatol Feldman, and Mindy Levin (2020). Stability of reaching during standing in stroke. Journal of Neurophysiology. 2020 May 1;123(5):1756-1765. doi: 10.1152/jn.00729.2019 .(IF: 2,887)

Artico R, Fourcade P, Teyssèdre C, Caderby T, Delafontaine A, Yiou E (2020). Influence of Swing-Foot Strike Pattern on Balance Control Mechanisms during Gait Initiation over an Obstacle to Be Cleared. Applied Sciences, 10(1), 244

Caron N, Peyrot N, Caderby T, Verkindt C, Dalleau G. (2020). Estimating energy expenditure from accelerometer data in healthy adults and patients with type 2 diabetes. Experimental Gerontology, 134:110894.

Chan‐Viquez D, Hasanbarani F, Zhang L, Anaby D, Turpin NA, Lamontagne A, Feldman A, Levin MF (2020). Development of vertical and forward jumping skills in typically developing children in the context of referent control of motor actions. Developmental Psychobiology. (In Press)

Chouchou F, Pichot  V, Costes F, Guillot M, Barthélémy JC, Bertoletti L, Roche F (2020). Autonomic Cardiovascular Adaptations to Acute Head-Out Water Immersion, Head-Down Tilt and Supine Position. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 120 (2), 337-347

Excoffier J, Pichot V, Cantais A, Mory O, Roche F, Patural H, Chouchou F (2020). Autonomic Cardiac Reactivity to Painful Procedures Under Hypnosis in Pediatric Emergencies: A Feasibility Study. American  Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 62 (3), 267-281

Fournié C, Bouscaren N, Dalleau G, Lenclume V, Mohr C, Zunic P, Cabrera Q, Verkindt C (2020). Adapted Physical Activity and Cardiac Coherence in Hematologic Patients (APACCHE): Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation, 12, 18



Amathieu J, Escalié G, Bertone S, Chaliès S (sous presse). Déresponsabiliser les enseignants novices pour mieux les former et accroitre leur satisfaction professionnelle. Les sciences de l’éducation – Pour l’Ere Nouvelle.

Lesport, A,  T. Caderby, N. Peyrot, N.A. Turpin (2019) Robust control of the whole-body center of mass position during beyond-the-reach movements in elderly. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 22 (sup1):121-123 DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2019.1668135

Turpin NA, R. Martinez, M. Begon (2019) Shoulder muscles coordination during eccentric actions, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 22 (sup1):121-123 DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2019.1668135

Cherni, Y, M. Hajizadeh, M. Begon andN.A. Turpin. (2019)   Muscle coordination during robotic assisted walking using Lokomat, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 22 (sup1):121-123 DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2019.1668135

Caron N, Peyrot N, Caderby T, Verkindt C, Dalleau G (2019). Accelerometry-based method for assessing energy expenditure in patients with type 2 diabetes during walking. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, doi: 10.1111/jhn.12642.

Begue, J., Peyrot, N., Dalleau, G., and Caderby, T.(2019). Age-related changes in the control of whole-body angular momentum during stepping. Experimental Gerontology 127, 110714. doi:10.1016/j.exger.2019.110714.

Begue J, Peyrot N, Dalleau G, Caderby T (2019). Whole-body angular momentum during step initiation in young and older adults. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. 22:sup1, S171-S172, DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2019.1668135

Caderby T, Begue J, Peyrot N, Dalleau G (2019). Effect of speed on mediolateral dynamic stability during stepping in older adults. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. 22:sup1, S279-S281, DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2019.1668135

Chouchou F, Mauguière F, Vallayer O, Catenoix H, Isnard J, Montavont A, Jung J, Pichot V, Rheims S, Mazzola L (2019). How the insula speaks to the heart : Cardiac responses to insular stimulations in humans. Human Brain Mapping 40(9):2611-2622

Cross NE, Carrier J, Postuma RB, Gosselin N, Kakinami L, Thompson C, Chouchou F, Dang-Vu TT (2019). Association between insomnia disorder and cognitive function in middle-aged and older adults: a cross-sectional analysis of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. Sleep. 1;42(8)

Fauchon C, Faillenot I, Quesada C, Meunier D, Chouchou F, Garcia-Larrea L, Peyron R (2019). Brain activity sustaining the modulation of pain by empathetic comments. Scientific Reports 10;9(1):8398

Talérien, S., Chaliès, S., Bertone, S. (2019).  Le développement professionnel des enseignants expérimentés par la transmission explicite de pratiques entre pairs. Recherche en Education, 37, 62-77





Abel A, Baron B, Grappe F, Francaux M (2018). Effect of environmental feedbacks on pacing strategy and affective load during a self-paced 30 min cycling time trial.  Journal of Sports Sciences. In press.

Ballas R, Peyrot N, Allard P, Caderby T, Edouard P, Dalleau G (2018). Shoulder loading reliability in seated able-bodied subjects. Medical Engineering and Physics. In press.

Begue J, Caderby T, Peyrot N, Dalleau G. Influence of gait speed on free vertical moment during walking. Journal of Biomechanics 75: 186-190.

Chaliès, S. Bertone, S. (2018). Quand faire émerger le réel du travail équivaut à concevoir la formation : réflexion épistémologique et méthodologique à partir d’un programme de recherche technologique. TransFormations.

Cubizolles S, Baron B, Lacroix E (2018). Undertaking long-distance running: thirty years of studies in the sociology of sport in France. Leisure and Society (in press).

Caron N, Peyrot N, Caderby T, Verkindt C, Dalleau G (2018). Effect of type 2 diabetes on energy cost and preferred speed of walking. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 118(11):2331-2338. 

Caron N, Caderby T, Peyrot N, Verkindt C, Dalleau G (2018). Validation of a method for estimating energy expenditure during walking in middle-aged adults. European journal of applied physiology 118 (2): 381-388

Junot A, Paquet Y, Fenouillet F (2018). Place attachment influence on human well‐being and general pro‐environmental behaviors. Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology banner 2 (2) :49-57

Vauthier M, Paquet Y, Martin-Krumm C, Tarquinio C (2018). Vers une nouvelle appréhension des mathématiques par traitement EDMR : actualités et perspectives. Psychologie Française. In press par traitement EDMR : actualités et perspectives. Psychologie Française. In press

Mullick AA, Turpin NA, Hsu SC, Subramanian SK, Feldman AG, Levin MF (2018) Referent control of the orientation of posture and movement in the gravitational field. Experimental Brain Research. 236(2):381-98

Martin-Krumm C, Fenouillet F, Csillik A, et al.  (2017). Changes in Emotions from Childhood to Young Adulthood. Child Ind Res : 1-21

Michel, L.,Bertone, S. (2017). Effets d’un dispositif de type coteaching sur le développement professionnel des enseignants novices : une étude de cas en formation universitaire. Recherche en Education, 30, 18-20.

Caderby T, Yiou E, Peyrot N, de Viviés X, Bonazzi B, Dalleau G (2017). Effects of changing body weight distribution on mediolateral stability control during gait initiation. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (accepté).

Zhang L, Turpin NA, Feldman AG (2017) Threshold position control of anticipation in humans: a possible role of corticospinal influences. Journal of Physiology 595 (15):5359-5374.

Turpin NA, Feldman AG, Levin MF (2017) Stretch-reflex threshold modulation during active elbow movements in post-stroke survivors with spasticity. Clinical Neurophysiology 128 (10):1891-1897.

Turpin NA, Costes A, Moretto P, Watier B (2017) Can muscle coordination explain the advantage of using the standing position during intense cycling? Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 20 (6):611-616.

Watier B, Costes A, Turpin NA (2017) Modification of the spontaneous seat-to-stand transition in cycling with bodyweight and cadence variations. Journal of Biomechanics 63:61-66.

Turpin NA, Costes A, Moretto P, Watier B (2017) Upper limb and trunk muscle activity patterns during seated and standing cycling. Journal of Sports Science 35 (6):557-564.

Costes A, Turpin NA, Villeger D, Moretto P, Watier B (2017) Spontaneous change from seated to standing cycling position with increasing power is associated with a minimization of cost functions. Journal of Sports Science: 1-7.

Yiou E, Caderby T, Delafontaine A, Fourcade P, Honeine JL (2017). Balance control during gait initiation: State-of-the-art and research perspectives. World journal of orthopedics 8 (11),815


Ballas R., Edouard P., Philippot R., Farizon F., Delangle F., Peyrot Nicolas (2016). Ground-reactive forces after hallux valgus surgery. Bone Joint J, 98-B(5):641-646. 

Caron Nathan, Peyrot Nicolas, Caderby Teddy, Verkindt Chantal, Dalleau Georges (2016). Energy Expenditure in People with Diabetes Mellitus: A Review. Frontiers in Nutrition, 3. 

Cubizolles Sylvain (2016). Football de rue et jeunes adultes à La Réunion. Influxus.

Henchoz Yves, Soldini Nicola, Peyrot Nicolas, Malatesta Davide (2016). Reply to letter: The role of participation sampling and statistical analysis in medical research. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 116(2):441-442. 

Paquet Yvan, Scoffier S., D'arripe-Longueville Fabienne (2016). Étude de la validité interne et externe d'une échelle multidimensionnelle de Locus de contrôle spécifique aux comportements alimentaires des sportifs (LOCSCAS). Encéphale.

Petiot O., Visioli J., Bertone Stefano (2016). Les connaissances mobilisées par l’enseignant en situation de classe : Quelle prise en compte du contexte? Les Dossiers des sciences de l'éducation, (35):151-166. 

Thiann-Bo Morel Marie (2016). Replanter une forêt en société postcoloniale: conservations ordinaires et participatives à l'Ile de La Réunion. Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente, 38 .

Yiou Eric, Fourcade Paul, Artico Romain, Caderby Teddy (2016). Influence of temporal pressure constraint on the biomechanical organization of gait initiation made with or without an obstacle to clear. Experimental Brain Research, 234(6):1363-1375. 

Zollinger Marie, Degache Francis, Currat Gabriel, Pochon Ludmila, Peyrot Nicolas, Newman Christopher J., Malatesta Davide (2016). External Mechanical Work and Pendular Energy Transduction of Overground and Treadmill Walking in Adolescents with Unilateral Cerebral Palsy. Frontiers in Physiology, 7 .

Bertone Stefano, Chaliès Sébastien (2015). Construire un programme de recherche technologique sur la formation des enseignants : choix épistémologiques et théoriques. @ctivités, 12(2):53-72. 

Besnier Florent, Lenclume Victorine, Gérardin Patrick, Fianu Adrian, Martinez Jérémy, Naty Nadège, Porcherat Sylvaine, Boussaid Karim, Schneebeli Stéphane, Jarlet Eric, Hatia Sarah, Dalleau Georges, Verkindt Chantal, Brun Jean-Frédéric, Gonthier Marie-Paule, Favier François (2015). Individualized Exercise Training at Maximal Fat Oxidation Combined with Fruit and Vegetable-Rich Diet in Overweight or Obese Women: The LIPOXmax-Réunion Randomized Controlled Trial. PLoS ONE, 10(11):e0139246.

Chaliès, S. & Bertone, S. (2015). Les interactions entre les enseignants novices stagiaires et leurs tuteurs : former des enseignants à partir des règles de métier. Analyse du travail et formation dans les métiers de l'éducation, 137-158. 

Claeys Cécilia, Thiann-Bo Morel Marie (2015). L'apport de la sociologie à l'analyse des invasions biologiques : retour d'expériences et pistes de recherche pour dépasser déceptions méthodologiques et irritation épistémologiques. Revue d'Ecologie, Terre et Vie, 70(Suppl. 12):175-190. 

Cubizolles Sylvain (2015). Sport and social cohesion in a provincial town in South Africa: The case of a tourism project for aid and social development through football. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 50(1):22-44. 

Duret Pascal, Angué Katia (2015). Two norms for innovation in outdoor sports: technical and social innovation. Loisir et Société / Society and Leisure, 38(3):372-382. 

Guilloux Bertrand, Baron Bertrand (2015). Pacing Strategies and Emotional Pattern During Intermittent 3-min runs in Secondary School Participants. Journal of Exercices, Sports and Orthopedics,.

Henchoz Yves, Soldini Nicola, Peyrot Nicolas, Malatesta Davide (2015). Energetics and mechanics of walking in patients with chronic low back pain and healthy matched controls. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 115:2433-2443. 

Samozino Pierre, Rabita Giuseppe, Dorel Sylvain, Slawinski Jean, Peyrot Nicolas, Saez De Villareal E., Morin Jean-Benoît (2015). A simple method for measuring power, force, velocity properties, and mechanical effectiveness in sprint running. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 26:648-658. 

Yiou E., Fourcade P., Artico R., Caderby Teddy (2015). Influence of temporal pressure constraint on the biomechanical organisation of gait initiation made with or without an obstacle to clear. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 18(sup1):2082-2083.

Baron B, Guilloux B, Begue M, Uriac S. (2015). Emotional responses during repeated sprint intervals performed on level, downhill and uphill surfaces.J Sports Sci. 2015;33(5):476-86.


Caderby T, Yiou E, Peyrot N, Begon M & Dalleau G. (2014). Influence of gait speed on the control of mediolateral dynamic stability during gait initiation. Journal of biomechanics 47, 417-423 (IF : 2,431)


Degache F., Zollinger M., Currat D., Pochon L., Peyrot N., Newmans C., Malatesta D. (2014). Mechanics of overground and treadmill walking in children. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 57:CO76-003-e.


Paquet Y., Lavigne G. L., Vallerand R. J. (2014). Validation d’une échelle courte et multidimensionnelle de locus de contrôle spécifique au travail (MLCST). Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science / Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement, 46(1):60-65.


Veyrunes, P.,Imbert , P., San Martin, J. (2014). L’appropriation d’un « format pédagogique » : l’exemple du « contrat de travail individuel » à l’école primaire. Éducation & Didactique, 8, 3, 81-94.

Anzures Gizelle, Kelly David J, Pascalis Olivier, Quinn Paul C, Slater Alan M, Viviés Xavier De, Lee Kang (2013). Own- and Other-Race Face Identity Recognition in Children: The Effects of Pose and Feature Composition. Developmental Psychology, epub ahead of print. 

Bertone Stefano, Saujat Frédéric (2013). La réflexivité comme instrument de formation par l’alternance et de développement de l’activité professionnelle des enseignants. @ctivités, 10(2) .

Besnier M.-F., Martinez M.-J., Lenclume Victorine, Porcherat S., Naty S., Fianu M.-A., Boussaid M.-K., Verkindt Chantal, Hatia S., Gonthier Marie-Paule, Brun F, Favier F. (2013). Évaluation de l’efficacité d’un programme d’activité physique individualisé, associé à une alimentation équilibrée enrichie en fruits et légumes, sur l’évolution de la masse grasse chez des femmes en surpoids ou obèses, dans le cadre de la prévention du diabète de type 2 (DT2) à la Réunion. Étude LIPOXmax-Réunion. Annales d'Endocrinologie.

Besnier M.-F., Martinez J., Porcherat Sylvaine, Naty Nadège, Fianu Adrian, Boussaid M.-K., Verkindt Chantal, Gonthier Marie-Paule, Brun J.-F., Favier François (2013). Évaluation de l’efficacité d’un programme d’activité physique individualisé,associé à une alimentation équilibrée enrichie en fruits et légumes, sur l’évolution de la masse grasse chez des femmes en surpoids ou obèses, dans le cadre de la prévention du diabète de type 2 (DT2) à la Réunion. Étude LIPOXmax-Réunion. Diabetes and Metabolism, (39):A1-A20. 

Caderby Teddy, Yiou Eric, Peyrot Nicolas, Bonazzi Bruno, Dalleau Georges (2013). Detection of swing heel-off event in gait initiation using force-plate data. Gait and Posture, 37(3): 

Caderby Teddy, Dalleau Georges, Leroyer Pierre, Bonazzi Bruno, Chane-Teng Daniel, Do Manh-Cuong (2013). Does an additional load modify the Anticipatory Postural Adjustments in gait initiation? Gait and Posture, 37(1):144-146. 

Chalies Sébastien, Amathieu Jérôme, Bertone Stefano (2013). Former les enseignants pour accroître leur satisfaction au travail : propositions théoriques et illustrations empiriques. Le travail humain, 76(4)  

Damavandi Mohsen, Dalleau Georges, Stylianides Georgios A., Rivard Charles-Hilaire, Allard Paul (2013). Head and trunk mass and center of mass position estimations in able-bodied and scoliotic girls. Medical Engineering and Physics, 35(11):1607-1612. 

Duret Pascal, Cubizolles Sylvain, Thiann-Bo Morel Marie (2013). La crise sanitaire du chikungunya : une épreuve de recomposition des rapports sociaux à La Réunion. Sociologie, 4(3):35-52.

Giandolini M, Arnal PJ, Millet GY, Peyrot N, Samozino P, Dubois B & Morin JB. (2013). Impact reduction during running: efficiency of simple acute interventions in recreational runners. European journal of applied physiology 113, 599-609 (IF : 2,328)

Imbert, P. (2013). Gift and transmission in teacher's lifelong education: what remains of those who leave. International Journal of Lifelong Education, London (UK) 32, 1, 26-38.

Stylianides G. A., Dalleau G., Begon M., Rivard C.-H., Allard P. (2013). Pelvic morphology, body posture and standing balance characteristics of adolescent able-bodied and idiopathic scoliosis girls. PLoS ONE, 8(7):e70205.

Thiann-Bo Morel M., Duret P. (2013). Le risque requin, mise en risque de la pratique du surf à la Réunion. STAPS : Revue internationale des sciences du sport et de l'éducation physique, n°99(1):23-36.

Chalies S., Ecalie G., Bertone S., Clarke A. (2012). Learning ‘rules’ of practice within the context of the practicum triad: a case study of learning to teach. Canadian journal of education, 35 (2), 3-23.

Chalies S, Escalie G., Bertone S. (2012). Etude d’un travail collaboratif de formation professionnelle initiale des enseignants : résultats et propositions. Savoirs, 29, 35-49. 

Cubizolles S. (2012). « integrating a popular sport into the patrimony in a south african provincial town: the case of football in stellenbosch », african studies, 71:1, 108-126.

Dalleau G., Leroyer P., Beaulieu M., Verkindt C., Rivard C.-H., Allard P. (2012). Pelvis morphology, trunk posture and standing imbalance and their relations to the cobb angle in moderate and severe untreated ais. Plos one 7: e36755. 

Stylianides, G., Beaulieu, M, Dalleau, G, Rivard, C.-H. And Allard, P.(2012). Iliac crests orientation and geometry in able-bodied and non-treated adolescent idiopathic scoliosis girls with moderate and severe spinal deformity european spine journal. 21:725-732 

Duret P., Augustini M. (2012). Solidarité et singularité au sein des équipes sportives, nouvelle revue de psychosociologie, 14, 67-85.

Freyssin C., Verkindt C., Prieur F., Benaich P., Maunier S., Blanc P. (2012). Cardiac rehabilitation in chronic heart failure: effect of a 8-week high-intensity interval training vs continuous training. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 93: 1359-1364. 

Grenier J.G., Millet G.Y., Peyrot N., Samazino P., Ouillon R., Messonier L., Morin J.B. (2012). Effects of extreme-duration heavy load carriage on neuromuscular function and locomotion: a military-based study. Plos one. 7(8) : e43586. 

Grenier J., Peyrot N., Castells J., Ouillon R., Messonier L., Morin J.-B. (2012). Energy cost and mechanical work of walking during load carriage in soldiers. Medicine & science in sports & exercise. 44(6) : 1131-40. 

Morin J.-B., Bourdin M., Edouard P., Peyrot N., Samozino P., Lacour J.-R. (2012). Mechanical determinants of 100-m sprint running performance. European journal of applied physiology. 112(11) : 3921-30.

Paquet Y., Lavigne G.L., Vallerand R.J. (2012). Validation d’une échelle courte et multidimensionnelle de locus de contrôle spécifique au travail (mlcst). Canadian journal of behavioural sciences.

Peyrot N, Thivel D, Isacco L, Morin J-B, Belli A & Duche P. (2012). Why does walking economy improve after weight loss in obese adolescents? Medicine & science in sports & exercise. 44(4) : 659-65.

Peyrot N.(2012) biomechanical constraints associated with walking in obese individuals. Physical therapy reviews. 17(5) : 352-3

Yiou E, Caderby T, Hussein T (2012). Adaptability of anticipatory postural adjustments associated with voluntary movement. A review. World Journal of Orthopedics 3(6): 75-86

ANTONINI-PHILIPPE R, SAGAR S.S., HUGUET S., PAQUET Y., JOWETT S. (2011). From Teacher to Friend: The Evolving Nature of the Coach-Athlete Relationship. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 42, 1-23.


BARON B., MOULLAN F., DERUELLE F., NOAKES T.D. (2011). The role of emotions on pacing strategies and performance in middle and long duration sport events. Br J Sports Med. 2011 May;45(6):511-7.


CORDIER V., CHIRON M., DE VIVIES X., DELAPLACE J.M. (2011). Réflexion docimologique en danse contemporaine didactisée : élaboration d’outils d’évaluation pour les enseignants et les élèves, du collège à l’université, eJRIEPS, n°24.


CUBIZOLLES S. (2011). « Marketing identity and place: the case of the Stellenbosch Kayamandi Economic Corridor before the 2010 World Cup in South Africa », in Journal of sport & Tourism, vol. 16, issue 2, Routledge : Londre, 2011, p. 128-140.


CUBIZOLLES S. (2011). « Finding a new identity for a township club – the case of the Mighty 5 Star in Stellenbosch », in The International Journal of the History of Sport, vol. 28, No. 15, October 2011, 2191–2205.


DALLEAU G., DAMAVANDI M., LEROYER P., VERKINDT C., RIVARD C.-H., ALLARD P. (2011). Horizontal body and trunk center of mass offset and standing balance in scoliotic girls European Spine Journal 20: 123-128.


DURET P., AUGUSTINI M. (2011). Construction of coherence Identity in Sports : the case of the grand raid running race », Sociology Study, 2 : 115-122.


FREYSSIN C., BLANC P., VERKINDT C., MAUNIER S., PRIEUR F. (2011). Effect of the long term physical activity practice following cardiac rehabilitation on some risk factors. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research. 34(4):357-359.


LEGRAIN P., PAQUET Y., D'ARIPPE-LONGUEVILLE F., ANTONINI-PHILIPPE R. (2011). Influence of desirability for control on instructional interactions and intrinsic motivation in a sport peer tutoring setting. International Journal of Sport Psychology.


PASCALIS O., DE VIVIÉS X., ANZURES G., QUIN P.C., SLATER A.M., TANAKA J.W. LEE K., (2011), « Developpement of face processing » WIREs Cognitive Science. V.2 ; pp 666-675.


TARNUS E., CATAN A., VERKINDT C., BOURDON E. (2011). Determination of maximum oxygen uptake with undergraduate students at the university of la reunion. Adv. Physiol. Educ. , 35: 76-81.

AUGUSTINI M., DURET P. (2010). L’Afrique du Sud et les bénéfices de la coupe du monde de football, Revue Esprit, Octobre, 112-116.


BEAULIEU M., ALLARD P., SIMONEAU M., DALLEAU G., HAZIME F.A., RIVARD C.-H. (2010). Relationship between oscillations about the vertical axis and center of pressure displacements in single and double leg upright stance. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 89: 809-816.


CHALIES S., BRUNO-MEARD F., MEARD J.A., BERTONE S. (2010). Training preservice teachers rapidly : the need to articulate the training given by university supervisors and cooperating teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26(1), 767-774.


CARTAUT S., BERTONE S. (2010). Visite conseil, activité des formateurs et développement du pouvoir d’action des enseignants novices en Education Physique et Sportive, Travail et formation en éducation, URL:


CUBIZOLLES S. (2010). « Soccer in a Rugby Town: Restructuring Football in Stellenbosch», in P. Alegi, C. Bolsmann (dir.), South Africa and the Global Game, Routledge, Soccer & Society Special issue, Routledge : Londre, 2010, p. 105-118.


DALLEAU G., BARON B., BONAZZI B., LEROYER P., VERSTRAETE T., VERKINDT C. (2010). The influence of variable resistance moment arm on the knee extensor performance. Journal of Sports Sciences 28: 657-665.


DELAPLACE J.M., HAJEK S. (2010). La femme, au cœur d’une société pluriculturelle : la belle réunionnaise ou la construction d’une identité insulaire depuis le XVIIIe siècle, revue Histoire sociale/Social history, vol 43, n°85.


DELAPLACE J.M., (2010). « Propos introductifs », revue Etudes Héraultaises, n° spécial « 100 ans de sports dans l’Hérault », pp. 9-17.


DE VIVIÉS X., KELLY D.-J, CORDIER V., PASCALIS O. (2010). « Reconnaissance des visages d’un autre groupe ethnique: éclairage d’une approche développementale » Psychologie Française. V. 55, n. 3 ; pp 243-257.


DE VIVIÉS X. (2010). « Éclairage cognitif sur la complexité des différents systèmes de numération ». Expressions N° 35 ; pp 23-38.


DURET P., (2010). self and construction of identity coherence in sports, revista portuguesa de sciencias do desporto, volume 10, n°1, 2010, 35-43.


DURET P., CUBIZOLLES S.(2010). Le football dans la communauté du township de Kayamandi, Ethnologie française, Volume 40,3. (Classée liste AERES Rg A Antrhopologie-Ethnologie.


DURET P., CUBIZOLLES S., AUGUSTINI M., (2010). « Les différences culturelles dans les enquêtes comparatives internationales. Enjeux et méthodes », in Revue Agora, Débats/Jeunesse N°55 p.7-21.


MARCEL J., PAQUET Y. (2010).Validation française de la version modifiée du “Sport Anxiety Scale” (SAS). L’encéphale. 36, 116-121. (AERES Psychologie, IF=0,628)


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